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Van Cliburn Competition, in Sao Paulo
It was a fortuitous meeting at a private home after a concert (Josh played with orchestra, and I was not part of the concert that night). Th
Instituto Baccarelli in Sao Paulo, Brazil
It's been a few weeks already, but still the memory of this visit to the Instituto Baccarelli persists - the energy, the incredible tale
Survivor Bias at the Van Cliburn
While attending the Van Cliburn Competition last week (another blog entry later!), there was a symposium on the topic of diplomacy and the a
Missed Opportunity - Abbey Simon's Concert
After playing at Lincoln Center's newly re-opened Alice Tully Hall a few weeks ago (Chamber Music Society's Prokofiev Festival), I w
American Pianists Association (APA) finals and thoughts
Thanks to good weather and competent airlines, I was able to go from the Liszt Society Festival directly to the American Pianists Associatio
Liszt's DNA?
The weekend was a highlight for this particular Liszt fan - the annual festival/conference of the American Liszt Society. The main reason wa
e-Competition I - The Yamaha Disklavier Pro Mark IV
This past week, I spent 4 days immersing myself in the latest of young pianistic talent, as well as the latest in piano technology. Each mer
e-Competition II - The Contestants
It was a great week for pianists and piano-lovers in NYC - at Rockefeller University, contestants hoping to compete in the Van Cliburn Compe
Secretary of the Arts?
This is not a political website, but I have wondered at times whether that is a good thing. After having seen Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, Gabr
Feeding and Care of Artists Across the Midwest
Having just finished a 3-week tour, covering 8 states (and crossing into 3 others), a few reflections are in order on truly the most importa
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