Coming soon: Summer 2022 dates for Inner-Work and Innovation Week

DPS was originally created for pianists, and now has expanded to include all musicians and performers, including dancers and actors. What I have learned as a pianist is equally applicable to all performers, at the deeper core level.
Pianists have been trained to look for improvement through their practicing. But practicing more at the piano is not always the answer! Learn about new ways to practice and - even more importantly - open up to new areas of working on yourself.
"Since the workshop my sense of internal and external awareness and level of self-confidence have increased. I wish I could have found something similar ten years ago! For me and my career this workshop marks a new beginning." Workshop alumnus
If you have memory lapses; suffer from stage fright; feel pressure at competitions; feel your practicing could be or should be more efficient; have questions about your career direction - then you are ready for Deeper Piano Studies.
If you are looking for a way to connect at a deeper level with your audience, with your music, with your students, with yourself - then you are ready for Deeper Piano Studies.
If you suffer from arm cramps, or fatigue, or tension - then you are ready for Deeper Piano Studies.
Masterclass and Seminar
Often, in coordination with his concerts, Frederic presents masterclasses and seminars with the DPS theme. Recently he made presentations at the MTNA National Conference in Denver, CO, as well as at State MTA conferences in NY, IN and NJ. His topics included The Art of Emotional Practicing, and Learning without a Keyboard.
He was invited to present a module on learning without the keyboard at the New England Conservatory, where he led 12 pianists in techniques that allowed them to perform a short Mendelssohn piece from memory within two hours.
He has given classes at the Metropolitan Museum, Skidmore College, the Portland Piano Festival, the Mannes School in NYC, and the Yamaha Artist Services Showroom in NYC.
Frederic has been a Visiting Artist at the Jacobs School at Indiana University in Bloomington, where he was in residency presenting group classes and performance masterclasses. He has presented DPS classes in numerous national conservatories in China.
Watch highlights as Frederic Chiu takes 5 finalists in the American Pianist Association Fellowship Auditions through an entire DPS workshop.
Separate chapters on Learning without a Keyboard, Stage Fright, Practicing, Mistakes, Cooking, etc.
Includes video performances by attendees Stephen Beus and Spencer Meyer, as well as by Frederic Chiu
Youtube.com channel links:
DPS by Zoom
Learning without an instrument has been taught and practiced in the past by auspicious teachers and performers, but never with a Body/Mind/Heart focus. Score study, meditation, communication skills and relaxation are all important aspects to the DPS approach to Learning without an instrument.
While Mental Practicing is an obviously important component of Learning without an instrument, and is the one emphasized by other methods, the real key of this exercise lies in the revelations about one’s Body/Mind/Heart make-up that suggest where and how one should focus future practicing. In particular, Emotional Practicing is the real key to effective Learning without an instrument.
Frederic Chiu breaks out this important exercise of the DPS workshops into separate 1-hour modules that can be done through Skype or the Tonerow platform.
0. *introduction to Body/Mind/Heart concepts (offered as a free introduction)
*memory and layering
*memory and pattern recognition
memory and score-writing exercises I
memory and score-writing exercises II
*meditation on physical image
*meditation on aural image
meditation on visual image
*stage fright
*performance of piece, discussion of Emotional practicing
This series can be spread out over a minimum 2 week period, but can stretch over months if preferred. Only the final session requires a piano. Some exercises can go more in depth, but the core comprises 6 parts (*). The 6-part package costs $1800. Sessions can be added en route, and all parts can be repeated as necessary, at an individual session rate of $300.